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There are three gamemodes which your can choose from when starting a new world in singleplayer. They are survival, creative, adventure and hardcore.


  • In Survival mode, you must collect resources, build structures, battle mobs, manage hunger and explore the worlds in an effort to survive. You have an inventory in which they may collect items in. The player will have access to an infinite amount of almost all blocks and items available, and can destroy them instantly. 

  • In Creative, you are invincible and don't have health, armor, or hunger and can even fly. You have access to items not available in Survival mode such as spawn eggs.

  • In Adventure mode, you can interact with objects such as levers and buttons and can interact with mobs. However, they can only break blocks with the correct tools (i.e breaking dirt with a spade or breaking stone with a pickaxe.)

  • Hardcore mode is similar to survival however you only have one life. If you die in hardcore the only option you recieve is to delete the world.

World Types, Gamemodes &


Large Biomes is a world type that causes the biomes of the Overworld to be expansive. This is the third World Type option available to the player, the others being Default and Superflat. The player can use a map to gain a representation of the size of the biomes in their world.

Large Biome worlds are generated as Default worlds but are 16x bigger.

The name says it all. This world type was the only one available during early minecraft versions but as the game developed, more where added. In this world type you geet regular sized biomes and lands of various altitudes.

Superflat replaces the normal varied terrain of the Overworld with a thin flat layer of dirt. The terrain consists of one layer of bedrock, two layers of dirt, and one layer of grass. The surface of the world is completely flat and at height y = 4. The End and the Neher both generate normally and mobs spawn as normal too.

World Types

The End is a diamention built of a unquie block known as End Stone. The has Obsidian pillars scattered around and is populated by a vast amount of Enderman. In The End diamention there is also a lone Ender Dragon who is the boss of The End. To get to The End, You must go through the process of finding the Stronghold in order to repair and activate the portal which is the only way of entering The End.

The Overworld is the starting diemention in Minecraft. Most mobs in the game can appear in the Overworld (see mobs page for more info). This diamention is the only one with a day/night cycle. Several biomes can be found here which can contain different structure such as abandoned mine shafts, temples, villages and even huge mushrooms!

The nether is only accessible by entering a Nether portal. The nether consists of flowing lava and exclusive blocks, items and mobs. Nether portals are made by creating a 4x5 (2x3 on inside) door frame out of obsidian and then lighting the inside of the frame with flint and steel.


If cheats are active then you can switch between gamemode by using /gamemode command. After typing /gamemode, input either S, C or A depending on which gamemode you wish to switch to. 

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