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Crafting is the method by which many blocks, tools and materials are made in Minecraft. Crafting plays a key part in minecraft as they majority of the blocks and items you will use will be creating using a Crafting Table. To create a crafting table please refer to the image.






Blocks and items are created by carrying out certain recipes. There are two types of recipes: Normal and Shapeless. The difference between these two recipes is that shapeless recipes can be placed anywhere unlike normal recipes.


There is currently 149 Crafting Recipes, excluding Firework recipes as of 1.6!


Item durability

Certain crafted items, such as weapons, tools and armour, have an item durability. These items have a limited number of uses until they will break. Items made of materials such as iron or diamond will last longer, while those made of materials such as wood or gold will wear out more quickly. A small damage bar below each item shows roughly how much longer it will last before breaking. Partially worn-out items can be repaired by combining two damaged items to create a less damaged one. This usually gives a small efficiency bonus compared to simply using items until they break.

A 'use' only counts if a player completely breaks a block or hits a mob. If a block is only partially broken, it doesn't count as a use. You should also consider these:


  • Using a spade, pickaxe, or axe on a mob (hostile, neutral, or passive) counts as two uses.

  • Using a sword on any mob counts as one use.

  • Using a hoe on any mob counts as zero uses.

  • Using a spade, pickaxe, or axe to break a block counts as one use.

  • Using a sword to break a block counts as two uses.

  • Using a hoe to break blocks counts as zero uses.

Gold tools have very low durability but they are the fastest among all the tools with no enchantments!


Wood = 60 uses

Stone = 132 uses

Iron = 251 uses

Gold = 33 uses

Diamond = 1,562 uses

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